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Fear Free Guide



Non sedative prescription

by your vet 

Gabapentin is commonly prescribed for the treatment & blocking of the Fight or Flight response in cats. Gabapentin is safe and effective and NOT a sedative as we would use the term in a grooming context. Also used as behavioural health support for emotional cats. By prescription only from your vet. Recommended by FEAR FREE, a organization founded by Dr. Marty Becker. Ask your vet to supply you what you would need for a years worth of grooming. For best results treat with a 100mg/200mg capsule of Gabapentin, depending on what your vet prescribes. 


WHEN TO ADMINISTER: Please administer  90 mins prior to the groom or vet visit. Do not administer with a full meal as this will significantly reduce it's effect. Please do not give food 12 hours prior your appointment. 


50% of vets recommend a "slow walk" which is 2 full doses: 100mg the night before (you can give dinner to your kitty) and 100mg 90 mins prior to the groom or vet visit (please do not give food 12 hours prior your appointment). We strongly recommend that you only provide a single dose 90 minutes before your appointment as in our experience it makes the best impact. If a vet recommends a slow walk, ask if you can just administer a single dose instead.​ 


Purrf will refuse to work on your kitty if your cat has been prescribed an alternative medication to treat stress. 'Old school' vets may prescribe ACE (aka ACP) however this does nothing to minimize the fear a cat may experience. It can lead to traumatic memories that can make ongoing grooming on your cat more difficult. Ultimately we do not believe this type of medication serves the best interests of your cat. 


Read article:  



May lower stress of travel


Cat-in-the-bag promotes stress-free travels.

Recommended for all cats who suffer from travel anxiety and stress while in traditional carriers. 


Why is this alternative better than a traditional cage carrier?


Please read our blog where you can read further, watch videos, and see pictures that tell a more full and illustrative story. 

Cat-in-the-bag Cozy Comfort Carrier is also available in in Australia.

Laura's Paisley, Zia, Raven.jpg



Non prescription 


Zylkene can help support cats in situations where they find they need to adapt their behaviour to cope. It is non prescription and most of the time you can buy it from your vet, petstock, petbarn etc or order it online. 


Zylkene is a calming supplement that contains a natural ingredient derived from a protein in milk called casein that has clinically proven calming properties to help relax cats. It is a peptide (protein) molecule, well known to promote the relaxation of new-borns after breastfeeding by delivering ‘calming messages’ to the brain.


For cats who feel a little bit uncomfortable during Spa Day, speak to your vet about administering 225 mg, NOT 75 mg.


For cats who feel very uncomfortable, request gabapentin instead. It is by prescription and has much greater efficacy, but Zylkene is the best non-prescription alternative in our view.


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Purrf Cat Grooming

By Appointment Only



TUESDAY - 8.00am-5pm

WEDNESDAY - 8.00am-5pm

THURSDAY - 8.00am-5pm

FRIDAY - 8am-5pm

SATURDAY - 9.00am-4.00pm



ABN 57 593 375 992

TEXT 0488-855-459
Please note I'm often unable to answer the phone. Existing clients are encouraged to book online or text. New clients are kindly asked to register first by clicking the 'Request Appointment' link below.


Request Appointment (New Clients)


Online booking is available to regular clients.


42C Preston Way, BALGA


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